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Building and Submitting Docsets to

The goal of this how-to is to teach you how to convert intersphinx-compatible documentation to a docset and how to submit it to Dash’s user-generated docset registry, such that others don’t have to duplicate your work.

I’ll assume you have picked and installed your API browser of choice. It doesn’t matter which one you use, but this how-to guide uses Dash. For optionally submitting the docset at the end, you’ll also need a basic understanding of GitHub and its pull request workflow.

I will be using this how-to as an occasion to finally start publishing docsets of my own projects, starting with structlog. I suggest you pick an intersphinx-compatible project that isn’t supported by Dash yet and whose documentation’s tab you visit most often.

Building Documentation

We start with the biggest problem and source of frequent feature requests for doc2dash: you need the documentation in a complete, built form. Usually, that means that you have to download the repository and figure out how to build the docs before even installing doc2dash because most documentation sites unfortunately don’t offer a download of the whole thing.

My heuristic is to look for a tox.ini or first and see if it builds the documentation. If it doesn’t, I look for a .readthedocs.yaml, and if even that lets me down, I’m on the lookout for files named like docs-requirements.txt or optional installation targets like docs. My final hope is to go through pages of YAML and inspect CI configurations.

Once you’ve managed to install all dependencies, it’s usually just a matter of make html in the documentation directory.

After figuring this out, you should have a directory called _build/html for Sphinx or site for MkDocs.


Please note with MkDocs that if the project doesn’t use the mkdocstrings extension – which, alas, is virtually all of the popular ones at the moment – there won’t be an objects.inv file and therefore no API data to be consumed.

I hope that more MkDocs-based projects add support for mkdocstrings in the future! As with Sphinx, it’s language-agnostic.


Following the hardest step comes the easiest one: converting the documentation we’ve just built into a docset.

All you have to do is point doc2dash at the directory with HTML documentation and wait:

$ doc2dash _build/html

That’s all!

doc2dash knows how to extract the name from the intersphinx index and uses it by default (you can override it with --name). You should be able to add this docset to an API browser of your choice and everything should work.

If you pass --add-to-dash or -a, the final docset is automatically added to Dash when it’s done. If you pass --add-to-global or -A, it moves the finished docset to a global directory (~/Library/Application Support/doc2dash/DocSets) and adds it from there. I rarely run doc2dash without -A when creating docsets for myself.

Improving Your Documentation Set

Dash’s documentation has a bunch of recommendations on how you can improve the docset that we built in the previous step. It’s important to note that the next five steps are strictly optional and more often than not, I skip them because I’m lazy.

But in this case, I want to submit the docset to Dash’s user-contributed registry, so let’s go the full distance!

Set the Main Page

With Dash, you can always search all installed docsets, but sometimes you want to limit the scope of search. For example, when I type p: (the colon is significant), Dash switches to only searching the latest Python docset. Before you start typing, it offers you a menu underneath the search box whose first item is “Main Page”.

When converting structlog docs, this main page is the index that can be useful, but usually not what I want. When I got to the main page, I want to browse the narrative documentation.

The doc2dash option to set the main page is --index-page or -I and takes the file name of the page you want to use, relative to the documentation root.

Confusingly, the file name of the index is genindex.html and the file name of the main page is the HTML-typical index.html. Therefore, we’ll add --index-page index.html to the command line.

Add Icons

Documentation sets can have icons that are shown throughout Dash next to the docsets’s names and symbols. That’s pretty, but also helpful to recognize where a symbol is coming from when searching across multiple docsets

structlog has a cool beaver logo, so let’s use ImageMagick to resize the logo to 16x16 and 32x32 pixels:

$ magick \
    docs/_static/structlog_logo_transparent.png \
    -resize 16x16 \
$ magick \
    docs/_static/structlog_logo_transparent.png \
    -resize 32x32 \

Now we can add it to the docset using the --icon and --icon-2x options.

Support Online Redirection

Offline docs are awesome, but sometimes it can be useful to jump to the online version of the documentation page you’re reading right now. A common reason is to peruse a newer or older version.

Dash has the menu item “Open Online Page ⇧⌘B” for that, but it needs to know the base URL of the documentation. You can set that using --online-redirect-url or -u.

For Python packages on Read the Docs you can pick between the stable (last VCS tag) or latest (current main branch).

I think latest makes more sense, if you leave the comfort of offline documentation, thus I’ll add:


Putting It All Together

We’re done! Let’s run the whole command line and see how it looks in Dash:

$ doc2dash \
    --index-page index.html \
    --icon docs/_static/docset-icon.png \
    --icon-2x docs/_static/docset-icon@2x.png \
    --online-redirect-url \
Converting intersphinx docs from '/Users/hynek/FOSS/structlog/docs/_build/html' to 'structlog.docset'.
Parsing documentation...
Added 238 index entries.
Patching for TOCs... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00

That’s it – we’ve got a great docset!


Since I want to create a new version of the docsets for every new release, the creation needs to be automated. structlog is already using GitHub Actions as CI, so it makes sense to use it for building the docset too.

For local testing, I’ll take advantage of doc2dash being a Python project and use a tox environment that reuses the dependencies that I use when testing documentation itself.


tox is a combination of Make and a virtual environment manager based on the ini file format. Its original purpose was testing Python software over multiple Python versions but has grown a lot more powerful.

The big upsides over a Makefile are that it’s more portable and has support for Python packaging built-in (which is necessary for building the documentation anyways).

The environment installs structlog[docs] – meaning: the package with optional docs dependencies, plus doc2dash. Then it runs commands in order:

extras = docs
deps = doc2dash
allowlist_externals =
commands =
    rm -rf structlog.docset docs/_build
    sphinx-build -n -T -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html
    doc2dash --index-page index.html --icon docs/_static/docset-icon.png --icon-2x docs/_static/docset-icon@2x.png --online-redirect-url docs/_build/html
    tar --exclude='.DS_Store' -cvzf structlog.tgz structlog.docset

Now I can build a docset just by calling tox run -e docset.

Doing that in CI is trivial, but entails tons of boilerplate, so I’ll just link to the workflow. Note the upload-artifact action at the end that allows me to download the built docsets from the run summaries.

At this point, we have a great docset that’s built automatically. Time to share it with the world!


In the final step, we’ll submit our docset to Dash’s user-contributed repository, so other people can download it comfortably from Dash’s GUI. Conveniently, Dash uses a concept for the whole process that’s probably familiar to every open-source aficionado1: GitHub pull requests.

The first step is checking the Docset Contribution Checklist. Fortunately we – or in some cases: doc2dash – have already taken care of everything!

So let’s move right along, and fork the repo and clone it to your computer.

First, you have to copy the Sample_Docset directory into docsets and rename it while doing so. Thus, the command line is for me:

$ cp -a Sample_Docset docsets/structlog

Let’s enter the directory with cd docsets/structlog and take it from there further.

The main step is adding the docset itself – but as a gzipped Tar file. The contribution guide even gives us the template for creating it. In my case the command line is:

$ tar --exclude='.DS_Store' -cvzf structlog.tgz structlog.docset

You may have noticed that I’ve already done the Tar-ing in my tox file, so I just have to copy it over:

$ cp ~/FOSS/structlog/structlog.tgz .

It also wants the icons additionally to what is in the docset, so I copy them from the docset:

$ cp ~/FOSS/structlog/structlog.docset/icon* .

Next, it would like us to fill in metadata in the docset.html file which is straightforward in my case:

    "name": "structlog",
    "version": "24.1.0",
    "archive": "structlog.tgz",
    "author": {
        "name": "Hynek Schlawack",
        "link": ""
    "aliases": []

Finally, it wants us to write some documentation about who we are and how to build the docset. After looking at other examples, I’ve settled on the following:

# structlog


Maintained by [Hynek Schlawack](

## Building the Docset

### Requirements

- Python 3.12
- [*tox*](

### Building

1. Clone the [*structlog* repository](
2. Check out the tag you want to build.
3. `tox run -e docset` will build the documentation and convert it into `structlog.docset` in one step.

The tox trick is paying off – I don’t have to explain Python packaging to anyone!

Don’t forget to delete stuff from the sample docset that we don’t use:

$ rm -r versions Sample_Docset.tgz

We’re done! Let’s check in our changes:

$ git checkout -b structlog
$ git add docsets/structlog
$ git commit -m "Add structlog docset"
[structlog 33478f9] Add structlog docset
 5 files changed, 30 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docsets/structlog/
 create mode 100644 docsets/structlog/docset.json
 create mode 100644 docsets/structlog/icon.png
 create mode 100644 docsets/structlog/icon@2x.png
 create mode 100644 docsets/structlog/structlog.tgz
$ git push -u

Looking good – time for a pull request!

A few hours later: big success! Everyone can download the structlog Documentation Set now!

  1. If not: this is a great opportunity to practice in a low-stakes environment.